Work with Anjali Brannon, A.D. (Ayurvedic Doctor)
Initial In-Depth Ayurvedic Consultation & Bodywork | 75 min | $199
with Anjali Brannon, A.D.
The Initial In-Depth Ayurvedic Consultation & Bodywork Session with Anjali will give you access to her wide knowledge of modalities that can assist with wide ranging health goals and concerns.
This is the perfect place to begin for those who:
- are seeking support for a specific health concern or chronic illness.
- would benefit from a bodywork modality to encourage facilitate healing & balancing the body.
- are wanting in-depth herbal support & guidance to support ongoing health concerns.
Concerns will be addressed through any one or combination of these methods:
Ayurvedic pulse assessment of organs, constitution and current state along with tongue and nail assessment.
Customized herbal remedies and support
Food and lifestyle guidance
Bodywork modalities such as
Somatic Trauma Resolution
Lymph Drainage
Brain Therapy
Core Sync Craniosacral Therapy
Fluid Articular Release for joints
Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage
Polarity Therapy
Pranic Healing energy work and more
Read detailed descriptions of these modalities here.
Follow Up Sessions | 60 min | $159
Follow up sessions are available to continue building on the foundation created in your initial session. may include any of Anjali's areas of expertise.
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937.429.9355
In an initial session with Anjali you will have access to her wide knowledge of modalities that can assist with:
Relief from chronic pain, inflammation, arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder, etc.​
Relieve trauma out of the body, tissues and nervous system from physical, mental or emotional trauma such as abuse, traumatic surgeries or injuries, dental trauma, car accidents, grief of loss, or other difficult life events.
Balance women’s reproductive system with issues such as endometriosis, tipped uterus, infertility, low libido, cysts, fibroids, cancer, vaginal dryness, etc.
Balance male reproductive system with issues such as prostate enlargement or prevention of enlargement, urinary issues, low libido, cancer, erectile dysfunction, etc.
Alleviate swelling and congestion
Alleviate leaky bladder & incontinence
Improve respiratory health
Improve digestive health
Improve cardiovascular health
Balance thyroid issues
Balance organ function including liver, kidneys, adrenals, spleen, intestines, etc
Weight loss
Increase immunity
Blood sugar balancing
Reduce stress
Alleviate depression
Increase energy
Improve memory, creativity, brain and endocrine function
Alleviate and prevent ailments of all kinds
Life Coaching - make clear decisions, set boundaries comfortably or say no, find purpose and direction, and create a happier & healthier life.
Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage
60min with one practitioner | $95
60min Four-handed with two practitioner |$180
Full body massage with warm oil suited to your constitution for total relaxation. Choose from a 1 practitioner (two-handed massage) or 2 practitioner (four-handed massage) with two practitioners working identically on the left and right sides of the body with even pressure. This is very balancing for left and right sides of the brain, leaving you feeling relaxed and beautifully balanced. Each massage ends with a soothing, steamy towel on the face and nasya oil to relieve sinus, head and neck tension.
Massage Package Special | 6 massages 60min - one practitioner| $495
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Massage Therapy
60min| $95
with Tracey Hixon, LMT
Explore the benefits of your choice of massage technique and pressure with Deep Tissue, Swedish, Lymph Drainage or Hot Stone. A hot stone massage can is full body and performed with hot stones for a grounding and deeply relaxing effect. Lymph Drainage massage may also be available to cleanse the lymphatic system and help alleviate infections, allergies and cleanse the effects of chemotherapy or radiation. A Deep Tissue massage can be done for deep-seated muscular tension. Or explore the benefits of oil massage providing pressure along with the smoothness of warm oil from head to toe.
Massage Package Special | 6 massages 60min each| $495
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Shirodhara | 60 min | $125
with Tracey Hixon, LMT
Be guided into relaxation with LMT Tracey Hixon with a gentle, continuous stream of warm oil is poured on the forehead inducing a womb-like state, helping to relax and calm the body. Includes scalp, head and neck massage.
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Steam Therapy | 30 min | $49
with Tracey Hixon, LMT
Cleanse your body and open your pores in our deluxe steam tent with an essential oil suited for your constitution.
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Warm oil therapy for the Ears | 30 min | $49
with Tracey Hixon, LMT
Warm oil therapy for the ears uses a gently heated sesame oil, renowned for its healing properties, poured into the ears. Particularly useful for tinnitus and hearing impediments.
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Balance and Bliss | 3.5 hours | $499
Begin with a 60 min comprehensive Ayurvedic Consultation to determine your constitution, how to keep yourself balanced, and what massage oil best suits you. Then receive a full body warm oil massage with 2 of our therapists working in synchronization. This heavenly massage is followed by steam therapy with essential oil suited for your constitution and topped with a relaxing shirodhara treatment.
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Initial Assessment with Renewed Health | 6 session Package | $899
with Anjali Brannon
This package includes a 75 min Initial Session along with 5 one-hour follow up consultations that may include the use of therapeutic bodywork (Somatic Trauma Resolution, Polarity Therapy, Body Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy Lymph Drainage Therapy, LIIFT, and/or Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage).
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
Renewed Health | 5 session Package | $719
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Five one-hour follow-up Ayurvedic consultations including the use of therapeutic bodywork (Somatic Trauma Resolution, Polarity Therapy, Body Reflexology, Cranio-Sacral Therapy Lymph Drainage Therapy, LIIFT, and/or Arvigo Maya Abdominal Massage).
To Schedule: Call 937-429-9355
​Holistic Services With Anjali Brannon
Arvigo Maya Abdominal Therapy
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Inspired by traditional Maya healing techniques, and enhanced by Dr. Rosita Arvigo’s training as a naprapathic physician, this therapy is a non-invasive external massage of the abdomen and pelvic region that is used to alleviate men, women and children from a wide range of imbalances. The techniques work to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of organs that have shifted and restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve & life force energy. Useful for female reproductive health at all ages and stages, male reproductive health at all ages and stages, improving digestion & elimination, improving circulation, pelvic floor pain, depression, stress & anxiety, back pain, fertility, painful intercourse, ovulation or menstruation, enlarged prostate, bladder or yeast infections, incontinence, skin conditions, varicose veins, arthritis, migraines, Gastro Esophogeal Reflux (GERD), low energy, postpartum care & recovery.​
'One of our very special offerings, the Arvigo Techniques, help to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of organs that have shifted and restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi energy' -- Anjali
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Polarity Therapy & Core Sync Cranio-Sacral Therapy
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Hands-on bodywork, contacting related reflex points from head to toe, using deep, subtle and rocking motions to create a free flow of energy to re-establish balance. Also working with one’s essential core, the cerebro-spinal fluid, the body is brought back into alignment. Excellent for injuries, accidents, abuse, trauma, acute or chronic pain.
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Lymph Drainage Therapy
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Lymph Drainage Therapy is beneficial for reducing, eliminating or preventing swelling, pain and inflammation as well as helping to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body and can even help to balance autoimmune conditions.
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Lymph Drainage for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and MS
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Using a blend of lymph drainage and hands-on brain balancing techniques, clients can experience significant decrease in symptoms after each session and after as short as 2-3 sessions, the majority of symptoms are typically diminished. Many cases of Mononucleosis (mono) also respond well to this treatment.
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Somatic Trauma Resolution
with Anjali Brannon, AD
A cutting-edge therapy to discharge trauma-bound energy from the nervous system and access deep, permanent, cellular healing. Effective for physical and emotional trauma, old or recent injuries, chronic pain, surgeries, accidents, abuse, loss, and can also be useful for making decisions and becoming more conscious and resilient. It can be done sitting in a chair or lying down.
​Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Brain Therapy
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Brain therapy is a manual touch modality where the practitioner will contact specific brain nuclei and its components by gently touching the head while the client is lying down. This work profoundly balances the brain and all its related bodily functions, helping the client to feel clear, alert, and refreshed afterwards in both mind and body.
Brain therapy has been found to support those with: back or spine related pain, closed head injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI), cognitive/behavioral functions, dementia, headaches/migraines, postural problems, PTSD, and stroke.
In children is has been found to support: ADD/ADHD, auditory/visual/vestibular processing, Autism spectrum disorders, birth difficulties or trauma, dyslexia/dyscalculia/dysgraphia/dyspraxia, feeding difficulties, learning disabilities, poor postural control, problems with focus and concentration, sensory integration dysfunctions, speech development disorders, and social skill issues.
​Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Integrating Reflexes with Hands-on Brain Therapy
with Anjali Brannon, AD
This additional Brain Therapy work addresses integrating abnormally retained neonatal reflexes or aberrant reflexes. When these developmental reflexes are not properly integrated, they will be present in the conditions below. This gentle technique is very efficient and can reintegrate the reflexes in 1-3 sessions in most cases to alleviate the following conditions:
Autism spectrum disorders
Neurological disorders
Learning disabilities
Sensory integration dysfunctions
Cognitive challenges
Poor postural control or back pain
Social skills issues - lack of confidence, motivation, etc.
Cerebral palsy
Problems with focus and concentration
Vestibular integration issues
Balance issues
Dyslexia - reading disability
Dyscalculia - math learning disability
Dysgraphia - writing disability
Dyspraxia/ Developmental coordination disorders
Speech development disorders
Speech language delays
Auditory and visual processing
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Fluid Articular Release
with Anjali Brannon, AD
A non-invasive method of releasing the joints that may help with:
Musculoskeletal pain in general
Neck pain
Some headache, dizziness or vertigo
Joint pain such as shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, etc.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Treatment of accidents and injuries, including some whiplash
Work injuries
Sport injuries
Repetitive stress injury (RSI), joint or muscle overuse
Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
Some gastrointestinal disorders (somato-visceral reflex)
Some nerve entrapment
Stress, general vitality and well being
​Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
Neuro-Embryological Release of Ligaments
with Anjali Brannon, AD
Assists in removing allergens and toxins from the body that can better improve:
Musculoskeletal pain in general
Joint pain such as hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, etc.
Low back pain
Chronic sciatica
Plantar fasciitis
Treatment of accidents and injuries, including some whiplash
Work injuries
Sport injuries
Repetitive stress injury (RSI), joint or muscle overuse
Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
Some gastrointestinal disorders (somato-visceral reflex)
Some nerve entrapment
Stress, general vitality and well being
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355
with Anjali Brannon, AD
A reprogramming system designed to release the limiting subconscious beliefs that may be holding you back in life.
Down syndrome (trisomy), etc.
Toe walking
Bladder incontinence
Difficulty setting boundaries
Eating disorder
Rigidity in body and/or mind
Motion sickness
Plantar fascitis
Swimming difficulties
Restless - inability to sit still
Nail biting
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive issues
Teeth biting
Ankle sprain tendency
Schedule your Appointment Here or call 937-429-9355