Panchakarma Plus
Pancha Karma is the Ayurvedic science of deep cleansing and rejuvenation for longevity and vitality. Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old whole person healing tradition from India. Anjali Mediratta Brannon, A.D. has grown up in this tradition and is a graduate of Dr. Vasant Lad's acclaimed Ayurvedic Institute Gurukula program comprising 3 years of study both in the US and India. Anjali has been in practice since 2001 in the Dayton area with great success and will oversee your personalized Pancha Karma program for the week with her gifted staff. The therapies listed are performed after certain preparation from the client the week before to oleate all the tissues to prepare for the cleansing & rejuvenation process. The weeklong therapies then are designed to dislodge the toxins from the deep tissues and gently flush them out, bringing you a greater sense of vitality and health.
We are thrilled that you are interested in our Panchakarma Plus experience at the Ayurveda Natural Health Center!
Panchakarma Plus is a five-step cleansing and rejuvenating program that uses a combination of Ayurvedic assessment, herbal oil massage, steam baths, nourishing food, and more to bring your unique mind and body back into harmonious balance.
In addition to the traditional Ayurvedic therapies, we have added a wealth of other complementary services each day that make your Panchakarma Plus experience even more transformative.
We create a nurturing and relaxing space for you to receive:
Ayurvedic Consultation at the beginning of your week as well as each day to give you the best health management program custom designed for you.
Traditional Four Handed Ayurvedic Massage with two therapists working simultaneously with warm oil from head-to-toe that is suited to your unique mind/body constitution.
Steam Therapy with an essential oil suited to your unique constitution.
Shirodhara Treatment that induces a womb-like state for deep healing, as warm oil streams onto the forehead. This is followed by a thorough scalp, head and neck massage. Fresh food prepared daily just for you
A Blend of Complementary Therapies each day that can include from the following, depending on what would be most effective for you: Somatic Trauma Resolution, Craniosacral therapy, Lymph Drainage, Hands-on Brain work, Fluid Articular Release, Neuro-Embryological Release of Ligaments, Polarity Therapy, Mayan Abdominal Massage, Hands-on Allergy and Toxin Removal
Ayurvedic Management Plan so you can maintain this balanced state even after you leave.

To Schedule
Please call 937-429-9355 for more information and scheduling details.
Pancha Karma is available in-person or remotely for long distance clients.
The Five Day Program | $2695
(Recommended for the best results)
The Three Day Program | $1625

"Thank you for the incredible experience you provided during my first experience with Pancha Karma. I appreciate your graciousness when taking into account my past, present and future as you guided me through my sessions. Our time together has had a positive effect on my mental and physical health and the benefits will help me during my journey. "
— A.H., Nurse
"Greetings, my name is Tziona Davis and I have experienced the most peace and relaxation, that possibly, I have ever had in my entire life. The Ayurveda Natural Health Center is the place to go to get yourself aligned with your health but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The experience was out of this world. I will be back and bringing people along with me "
— T.D., Care Provider for Women with Alzheimers
"Pancha Karma is true healing on every level – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual/etherical – simultaneously. From my experience, I think everyone should experience it at least once a year."
— Sharon T.