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Interested in Renting a Space?

We have many spaces available for part-time, full-time, hourly, and daily use. If you are interested in renting any of the spaces below for your practice send us an email and we will get back to you!


The classroom space is one of the many rooms available for both hourly, and daily renting. If you are looking for somewhere to host a yoga class, a dance class, or a healing workshop our classroom space may be perfect for you. Give us a call at (937) 429-WELL with any questions about our spaces.

Are You Looking to be a part of ANHC?

If you are interested in working on an inclusive women-led concierge integrative medical team? Look no further! 


We are currently looking to add a M.D, D.O, or N.P to be a part of our center. If you are interested in working as part of our talented integrative wellness team please contact us at or call us at (937) 429- WELL (9355)

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